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Homeless children on the streets of Nepal

Benisha Hamal
Kathmandu ,2009/9/28
With increasing urbanization and urban-focused opportunities and facilities, the problem of street children is growing year by year. Children from rural villages and districts end up on city streets as a result of poverty, broken families. Physical and mental abuse in the family, abandonment, helplessness, and desire to live in the city. Being an orphan, abandonment, rise in domestic violence, lack of opportunities including education and recreation in the villages, exploitation at work places, growing trend of migration in general and the ongoing conflict situation are the reasons contributing to children coming to streets. Every year around 500 children are landed in the streets of Kathmandu from different districts of Nepal. Children come mainly from neighboring districts of Kathmandu, like Nuwakot, Sindhupalchowk, Kavre, Dhading, Makawanpur and Dolkha.
However, it is recognized that there needs to be preventive and controlling measures at the origins and destinations of these children with issuance of identity cards for rehabilitative service. They concentrate in the areas like junkyards, temples, market centers, cinema halls, airports, bus terminals, hardware shops, tourist centers, etc. while they do their work. While on the street they face problems of hunger, shelter, clothes, etc. Similarly, face problems from police, "dada" (bullies), gang etc. With all these problems and tensions, they lead their complex life. Street children are among the high risk and insecure groups and they are vulnerable to various forms of exploitation and abuses. Street children in Nepal are very vulnerable to the exposure to alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Street Children regard alcohol and drug use is one of the escape mechanisms to release or to get away from all their worries, tensions and for those who have already arrived in urban centers Street children face hunger, lack of health and education facilities, lack of opportunity for skills development, physical and sexual exploitation by elder and former street children, drug abuse, etc. It is also reported that as they grew up they face difficulties in making a livelihood and, consequently, became involved in immoral and illegal activities, contributing to social disorder. Some NGO's address the issues of street children with transit homes, skills training, socialization centers, counseling, provision of food and education, family reunion.


Benisha hamal

I always thought that it is the adult people who are the main victims of drug addiction. However, it seems that I am wrong at least once. Nepalese school children have perhaps over written every rule in the book of common sense. I just read a very sad report in the Himalayan Times. I am quoting from the report: “An unsuspecting Nepal should wake up to a hard lesson — about 70 per cent of its documented drug addicts are schoolchildren, reports said quoting a social service organization. Narconon Nepal says it came across the stunning discovery that about 64 per cent of addicts are youngsters studying in Grade VII and VIII during its work with drug users in Nepal. According to Puja Kanwar, director of the Nepal chapter of the international network of drug prevention and social education rehabilitation centres, founded by a former convict and heroin addict, there are at least 150,000 addicts of whom nearly 105,000 are school students.
Of these, over 80 per cent were introduced to drugs by other older or former students.”
These days, the school children and the young generation are getting attracted towards the western culture and fashion. Unfortunately, they are getting attracted to the dirty side of the western culture more than the good side and that is why drug addiction is increasing at an alarming rate in the country. Many girls and boys are involved in a romantic relationship and when the boy or the girl comes in touch of drug the other partner is likely to follow suit.


Benisha hamal
Different causes underlie suicide, some of the main ones being depression, drug abuse, anxiety, personality disorder, etc. According to WHO in 1999, 10 people attempt suicide for every 100,000 of the general population. In Nepal, women below the age of 30 are the main at-risk population for suicide . Living all day in the confines of the house can lead to the mind becoming narrow and the tendency to make mountains out of molehills. As a result, some impulsively decide to take their own lives without thinking of the future of their children. The incidence of suicide among children and men, in addition to women, is not new, just less frequent. Suicide attempts by women are double those of men. According to the Bir Hospital, about 40 percent of their patients come in just to recover from a failed suicide attempt. Analyzing suicides in Nepal, Dr. Manish Kumar, an doctor in the ER of Norvic Hospital, said that people in the mountainous regions commit suicide by hanging; in the Terai, (plains area), poison is the preferred means; and in urban areas, drugs. According to the statistics, most Nepalese suicides have simply chosen to hang themselves. In Nepal, yearly population growth overall is only 3 percent, but for suicide the figure is 10 percent, which indicates a serious problem. Life is important to every human being. To make it valuable, some dare to do extraordinary things, and some waste their lives in suicide. Suicide may be a private matter, but the reasons for it are a problem in all nations.

Korean fashion in city

Spardha Chand
Kathmandu, December 29:
Korean glam culture has been fastening its grip over youths all around the world .It is a country of bourgeoning fashionistas. Korean’s of all ages from all walks of life pay exacting attention to what they wear and how they look. Korean cultural products, from film to pop music to fashion trends are best received here due to their western counterparts. Korean can be called high heel capital of the world. While boys rush by jeans and jackets, girls flaunt around in high heels all seasons. While it comes to hair dressing cuts like razor, zigzag, grunge, spike and rare cut have been getting enormous attention here in Nepal as well. Beautician, Sonam ghale, feels motivated at the prospect of costumers flooding into her parlour due to Korean fashion trends catching up quick in Nepal “we have been rendering our services since the last six years. We have witnessed an admirable growth in this segment over the years. Customers flood in asking for services like facials, hair cutting, skin treatment, hair colouring and hair straightening. We use imported cosmetics from Korea”. She says.
Due to the flourishing market for Korean fashion, scores of beauty parlours have popped up all around the city. Their customers are mainly youth who generally approach the parlours with the sample of haircut they want to do, clipped out from magazine and other sources.

आरुघाट पुल निर्माण तिब्रगतीमा

सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धादिङ्ग ः असार २६:
धादिङ्ग जिल्ल्ाा र गोरखा जिल्लाको व्यापारिक दृष्टिकेाणले महत्वपुर्ण स्थान मानिआएको अरुघाटमा मोटर गुड्ने पक्की पुल को निर्माण कार्य तिब्र गतिमा भइरहेको छ ।
धादिङ्ग जिल्लाको सल्यानटार गाविस र गोरखा जिल्लाकोृ आरुचनौटे गाविस मा अवस्थित अरुघाट बजार वरीपरी जड्ने पक्की पुल बुढिगण्डकी नदिमा निर्माण भइरहेको छ । १८ करोडको कुल लागतमा निर्माण भइरहेको यस पुललाई तिन वर्ष भित्र बनाईसक्ने लक्ष्या लिइएको छ । निर्माण कार्य धमाधम भइरहेको छ र स्थानियवासीले पनि निर्माण कार्यमा सहयोग गरिहनु भउको ले निश्चित समयावधी मा निर्माण कार्य सकिने पुल निर्माण कार्य का सुपरभाइजर विर बा। लामाले बताउनु भयो ।
यो पुल निर्माण पछि गारखाको उत्तरी क्षेत्रका मानिसहरुलाई काठमाण्डौ धादिङ्गबेसी र धादिङ्ग उत्तरी क्षेत्रका मानिसलाई गोरखा पोखरा नारायणघाट जानलाई छिटो र सजिलो हुनछ ।

अरुघाट बजार हुँदै अबैध जडिबुट्टीको निकासी

सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धादिङ्ग साउन २:
धादिङ्ग र गोरखा जिल्लाको एक प्रमुख व्यापारीक केन्द्र अरुघाट बजार हँुदै अबैध जडिबुट्टी को काठमाण्डौ जिल्लाहरुमा चोरी निकासी हुने गरेको पाइएको छ ।
यासा्रगुम्बा पाँचऔले चिराइतो जटामसी कुरिलो जस्ता जडिबुट्टी हरु आरुघाट बजारको नाका हुदै राजधनी र तराईका चितवन पसा्र । रुपन्देही आदी जिल्लाहरुमा निकासी हुने गरेको छ । यस्ता जडिबुट्टीहरु विशेष गरी गोरखा जिल्लको दर्गम उत्तरी भेग बाट ल्यउने गरेको । छेकम्पार सामागाँउ करौजा । सिर्दिबास जगत उइया आदी ठाँउबाट नाका हुँदै ािश्चित गन्तव्यमा पुर् याउने तथ्य बाहिर आएको यस्ता अबैध काममा लाग्नेहरु प्राय ती दुर्गम गाँउका मानिसहरु नै रहेको आरुघाट विशालनगर निवासी जडिबुट्टी व्यवसाय मा संलग्न बल ब। गरुङ्ग बताउनु हुन्छ । उनीहरु काठमाण्डौ जाने बहाना मा अरुघाट बसी यहीबाट जडिबुट्टी निकास गर्ने गर्छन । आरुचनौटे इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय आरुघाट का इन्चार्ज प्रहरी निरिक्षक दिपक दाहाल भने यो कुरामा सहमत हुनुहुन्न । आफुमा अहिले सम्म यस्तो खबर नआएको बताउनुभयोर तर विशालनगर का एक युवाले भने यस्ता अबैध कामगर्ने लाई भने केही स्थानिय बासी र पुलिस प्रशासनले समेत सहयोग गर्ने गरेको खुलासा गर्नुभयो ।
आरुघाट बजार कै नाका हुदै प्रतिबन्धित हुचिल चराको पनि विशेष गरी काठमाण्डौ मा निर्यात हुने गरेको छ । यस सम्बन्धि पनि सुरक्षा निकाय मौन रहेको छ ।

त्रिपुरासुन्दरी माईको पननिर्माण हुने

सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धदिङ्ग पुष ९:
राष्ट्रियस्तरमा नै धार्मिक सांस्कृतिक तथा ऐतिहासिक महत्व बोकेको धादिङ्ग जिल्लाको सल्यानकोट गाँउ विकास समितिमा रहेको त्रिपुरासुन्दरी माईको तल्लोकोटमा रहेको मन्दिरको पुननिर्माण गरिने भएको छ ।
पृथ्वीनारायण शाहको एकिकरणको विषयमा समेत िवंवदन्ती जोडेको त्रिपुरासुन्दरी मईको मथिल्लोकाट मन्दिर देखि कबि ४०० मिटर पर रहेको तल्लोकोट मन्दिर जिर्ण हुँदै गएपछी पुननिर्माणको लागी पहल सुरु भएको हो । मन्दिर पुननिर्माण गर्न दर्खा गा।वि।स। वडा नं। ७ का कृष्ण सिम्खडा र केशव सिम्खडाले व्यक्तिगत रुपमा करिब ३० लाख रुपैयाँ आर्थिक सहयोग गर्नुहुने भएको छ । जिल्ला भित्र मात्र नभई जिल्ला बाहिर समेत उक्त मन्दिरको जीर्ण भएको भवन प्यागोडा शैलिमा निर्माण गर्नका लागी पुराक्तव विभाग काठमाण्डौका इन्जिनियर ध्रुव अधिकारी र लिपिविज्ञ उत्तम खनालको पनि सहभागिता रहने बताइएको छ । मन्दिरको नयाँ भवन निर्माण गर्ने विषयमाछलफल गर्न आयोजित भेलामा इन्जिनियर ध्रुव अधिकारीले नयाँ भवन निर्माणका क्रममा मन्दिरमा पुजा गर्ने पुरानो संरचनालाई यथावत राखिने बताउनुभएको छ । पुननिर्माणले गर्दा धार्मिक एंव ऐतिहासिक धरोहरको रक्षा र भत्तजनहरुले पनि सुविधा पाउने मन्दिरका पुजारी गोपाल खड्काले बताउनु भएको छ ।
भेलामा नेकपा एमाले धादिङ्ग जिल्ला कमिटी सदस्य रामहरी अधिकारी स्थानिय समाजसेवी राम प्रसाद सडौला का साथै स्थानिय बुद्धिजिवी समाजसेवीहरुको सहभागिता रहेको थियो । यसैविच सल्यानकोट प्राथमिक विद्यालय देखि त्रिपुरासुन्दरी माईको मन्दिरसम्मको चार किलोमिटर बाटो समाजसेवी कृष्ण सिम्खडा ले ८० हजार रुपैयाँ आर्थिक सहयोग उपलब्ध गराउनु भएको छ ।

पानीको हाहाकारमा चेपाङ्ग समुदाय

सुजन श्रेष
धदिङ्ग मंसिर १२
धादिङ्ग जिल्लाको दक्षिणी भेगमा पर्ने महादेवस्थान गाविस-३ ब्रुसबाङका स्थानिय चेपाङ्ग समुदायले वर्षौदेखि पानीको हाहाकार भोगिरहेका छन् । उनीहरुले एक गाग्रो पानीको लागि तिन घण्टाको बाटो हिड्नु परिरहेको छ।
विकासका अवासरबाट टाढारहेको ब्रुसबाङ गाँउमा २४ घर परिवार चेपाङ्ग समुदायको मात्र बसोबास रहेको छ । उक्त चेपाङ्ग गाँउ नजिकै खानेपानीको स्रोत नभएका कारण उनीहरुले यस्ताृ समस्या भाग्नु परेको हाृ । आफुहरु भाले डाँका संगै झिसमिसेमा पानी लिन निस्के पनि पानी लिएर घर आइपुग्दा बिहान बितिसक्ने गरेको स्थानियवासी सानुमाया चेपाङ्गले बताइन । पानीको समस्या ले गर्दा उनिहिरुको दैनिक कार्यतालिका पनि अस्तव्यस्त हुनेगरेको छ । स्थानिय बिद्यर्थी जीवन चेपाङ्ग ले पानीको समस्याले गर्दा कहिले विद्यालय समय मै नपुगिने त कहिले खाना बनाउने पानि को अभावऌ गर्दा खाना नै नखाई बिद्यालय जानुपर्ने स्थिती रहेको बताए । पानीको अभाव का कारण गाईबसतुलाई पनि दिन बिराएर पानी खुवाउने गरेको छ । गाँउमा मानिसलाई खान समेत पानीको अभाव भएकाृ कारण गाईवस्तुलाई एक दिन बिराएर पानी खुवाउनु परेको स्थानीयवासी उद्धव चेपाङ्गले बताए ।
ब्रुसबाङ गाँउको भौगोलिक बनावट को कारणलेगर्दा पनि स्थानिय चेपाङ्ग समुदायले विभिन्न समस्याको सामाना गर्नु परेको छ । भिरालो पखेरीमा गरिएको खेतीबाट राम्रो उब्जनी नहुन हुँदा खाद्यान्नको संकट समेत बेहोरीरहेका यस चेपाङ्ग गाँउमा खानेपानीको समस्या समेत भेाग्नुपर्दा उनीहरुलाई धेरै कष्ट भएको स्थानिय चेपाङ्गह बातउँछन ।

उपत्यकामा ठेलागाडा ममको व्यापार पस्टाउदो

सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धदिङ्ग भदौ १०:
विश्व जनतको अर्थतन्त्रलाई अर्थिक मन्दीले असर पारीरहेको अवस्थामा काठमाण्डौ उपत्यका मा ठेलागाडा मार्फत मम ससेज आदीको व्यापार गर्ने व्यपारीको भने व्यवसाय फस्टाउदो छ ।
आनकल उपत्यका को सडकपेटी जहीतही देख्न सकिने यस्ता व्इवसाय लेउपभोत्ताहरुको मन जितीरहेका छन्। यस व्यवसायले गर्दा धेरैलाई राजगारी को अवस्था पनि सिर्जना गरिदिएको छ र वानेश्वर कात्ययनी चोकमा यही व्यवसाय संचालन गरिहेका नविनकाजी राई भन्नुहुन्छ दिनभरी यत्तिकै घुमिरहनु पथ्र्यो अहिले यो काम गर्न थाले पछि टाइमपास पनि भएको छ अलि अलि आम्दानी पनि भएको छ । वहाँ ले यो व्यवसाय संचालनको लागि २ जना कामदार रखेको बताउनु भयो । ठेलागाडा को मम ससेज मिठो पनि हुने र सस्तो पनि हुने भएकोले प्राय इस्तै मम ससेज खाने गरेको तिनकुनेका राजिव चौधरी ले बताउनु भयो ।
सिक्काको दुई पाटा भने जस्तै कुनै पनि कुराको सकरात्मक र नकरात्मक विशेषता हुन्छ । यो ठेलागाडा व्यवसायले सकारात्मक मात्र हैन नकारात्मक असर पनि पारेको छ । जताततै सडक पेटीमा ठेलागाडा राख्नले पैदल यात्रुहरुलाई असुविधा भएको छ । मम ससेज खाई पेपर प्लेट टपरी आदी जताभावी फाल्नाले वातावरणलाई समेत प्रदुषित पारेकोछ । धुवा धुलो प्रदुषण जस्ता कुराले खानेकुरालाई प्रत्यक्ष प्रभाव पार्ने हुँदा उपभात्ताको स्वास्थ्यलाई पक्कै पनि यस्ता खानेकुराले असर पारीरहेको हुन्छ ।

सल्यानटारमा हात्ति पाईले रोगको बिरामी बढ्दो

सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धदिङ्ग असोज १५

धादिङ्ग जिल्लाको उत्तरी भेगम पर्ने सल्यानटानर गा।वि।स।मा हात्तिपाईले रोगको बिरामी बर्षै पिच्छे मढ्ने गरेको पाइएको छ । गा।वि।स।मा रहेको प्राय कुमाल समुदायमा यो रोग लाग्ने गरेको छ ।
नेपालमा हात्तिपाइले रोग उन्मुलनको स्थितिमा रहे पनि सल्यानटारका कुमाल समुदयामा भने यो रोग ज्युकात्यु अवस्थामा छ । सल्यानटार प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्रका प्रमुद डा। दिपेन्द्र पुरुष ढकाल का अनुसार २०६५ समलमा ८४ जनामा सङक्रमित रहेको यो रोगव २०६६ साल कार्तिक महिना सम्ममा ९८ जना यो रोग बाट प्रभावित भएका छन् । गा।वि।सा। मा हात्तिपाईले रोगसम्बन्धि जनचेतना महिनै पिच्छे हुने गरेतापनि यो रोग घट्दो अवस्थामा भने छैन । हात्तिपाईले रोगबाट प्रभावित हुनुमा उनीहरुको आर्थिक अवस्था पनि एक प्रमुख समस्या रहेको गा।वि।स। को भुतपुर्व वडा अध्यक्ष लक्ष्मी प्रसाद इटनीले बताउनुभयो ।
लामुखुट्टेको कारणले गर्दा हात्तिपाईले रोग लाग्ने गर्छ घर वरिपरी फोहोर गर्नु फोहोर पानीजमेको खाल्टाखुल्टीहरु अत्याधिक मात्रामा पाइनु र सत्दा झुल नगर्नु नै येा रोगबाट सङक्रमित हुने प्रमुख कारण हो । कुमाले समुदायका मानिसहरुले यस्ता कुराहरुमा हेल्चेकर् याई गरेमा फेरी पनि सङक्रमित संख्या बढ्ने कुराम कसैको दुई मत नहोला ।

धादिङ्गमा घरेलु काठे बन्दुक छ्यापछ्याप्ती

सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धादिङ्ग असोज १९:
माओवादीले शुरु गरेको जनयद्ध को बेला हराइसकेको धघरेलु काठे बन्दुक जनयुद्ध को विधिवत अन्त्य संगै अहिले धादिङ्ग जिल्लामा छ्यापछ्याप्ती पाउन थालेको छ ।
जनयुद्ध सुवात तका गाँउमा भएको काठे बन्दुक माओवादी युद्धको लागी गलेको र लुकाएर बाँकी रहेका बन्दुकहरु पनि सेनको खोजतलासबाट जोगाउन जमिन मुनी गाईवस्तुको भकारे मुनी राख्दा काम नलाग्ने गरी बिग्रेको जानकारी सल्यानको गाविस का विनम बहादुर नगरकोटी ले बतउनु भयो । उहँको भनाई अनुसार माआवादी शान्तीप्रकि्रयामा आएपष्श्चात अहिले गँउको धेरैले काठे बन्दुक बनाएका छन् । न्यनतम एक हजार रुपैयाँ सम्ममा बन्दुक बनाइदिने गरेको सल्यानटार गाविसका एक बन्दुक निर्माणकर्ताले बताउनुभयो । यस्ता बन्दुक प्राय चरचुरुङ्गी को शिकार का लागी प्रयोग र्ने गरेको मुलपानी गाविस का प्रकाश थापा मगर बताउनुहन्छ ।

विद्यार्थीहरु गाईड र गेसपेपरमा निर्भर

स्पार्धा चन्द
काठमाण्डौ मंसिर १४
: अहिलेको वर्तमान स्थीनिमा बिद्यालय तह देखी विश्वविद्यालय तह सम्मका विद्यर्थीहरु पाठ्यक्र मेलिक उत्तर भनदा पनि परिक्षमा गाईड र गेसपेपरमा र्भिर हुन थालेका छन । गाईड र गेस पेपरको भरमा पर्ने अधिकांस विद्यार्थीहरुको परिक्षामा नकरात्मक नतिजा निक्लिने गरेको छ । यसले गर्दा बिद्यर्थीहरुको सिर्जनात्मक एंवम मौलिक उत्तर मा पनि ह्रा आएको छ । विद्यर्थीहरुको गाइड र गेसपेपरमा र्भिर पर्ने कि्रयाकलापले गर्द खेशको शिक्ष प्रणलीमा समेत यसले असर गरेको छ ।
कति बिद्यर्थीहरु त पाड्यपुस्तक नकिनी गाईड र गुपेपर मात्र किन्ने गरेका छन । के एण्ड के कलेज नयाँवानेश्वर मा पढाउनुहुने वज्ञान शर्मा भन्नुहुन्छ धेरै बिद्यार्थीहरु किताब विना नै कलेज आउछन र उनीहरु नेाट्स र गाईड गेसपेपरको भरमा परिक्षामा सामेल हुनछन् । कामन इन्टरनेशनल कलेज बनस्थलीमा अध्यनरत धमेन्द्र थापा आँफुले आधा विषको किताब र आधाको गाईड गेसपेपर किनेको बताउनु हुन्छ । गाईड र गेसपेपर माथीको नकरात्मक प्रभावले गर्दा विद्यार्थीहरुमा पाठ्यपुस्तक पढ्ने बानी हट्न लागीसकेको छ । सरोकारवालहरुले यस सम्बन्धी बेलैमा सचेत नहुने हो भने देशको शैक्ष्कि प्रणाली नराम्ररी खाडलमा जाकिन सक्ने कसेको दुईमत नहोला ।

संधीयताको विरोधमा उपत्यका बन्द ।

सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धादिङ्ग मंसिर ९:
यो समाचार २०६६ साल पौक्ष २७ गते नागरिक दैनिकी को तेष्रेा पृष्ठ मा छापिएको हो । राष्ट्रिय जनमोर्चाले गरेको उपत्यका बन्दको बारेमा फोटो सहित छापिएको ये समाचार सरल भाषमा छ । सधैजसो बन्द हडताल आन्दोलन आदी बाट ग्रसित भएको नेपालको गालागी यो कुनै नौलो विषय होइन तर पनि विकासशिल राष्ट्रको संाचार माध्यमहरुको लागी राजनिती नै एक प्रमुख विषय भएको कारण नागरिक दैनिक ले पनि यसलाई प्राथमिकताको साथ प्रकाहित गरेको छ । देशले गणतन्त्र मा पाईल टेकेपछी यसलाई संघियतामा ढल्ने अन्तिम तयारी गरिरहदा राष्ट्रिय जनमोर्चाले भने यसको बिरोधमा राष्ट्रव्यापी आन्दोलनको घोषण गरेको छ । उनीहरुले संघियतले देश टुकि्रने धारण व्यक्त गरेका छन् । राजमो का अध्यक्ष चित्रबहादुर के।सी को भनाई समेत उल्लेख गरी प्रकाशित यस समाचर तथ्यपुर्ण छ । यो समाचर पत्रकािता अधार संहिता भित्र रही प्रकाशित गरिएको छ ।

भारी बोकेर पढन बाध्य

सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धादिङ्ग मंसिर ७:
सल्यानटार गाविसका अधिकाँश कुमाल समुदायका विद्यर्थी भारी बोक्न बाध्य छन । आर्थिक अवस्था कमजोर भएको कारण दैनिक गुजार को लागी अभिभावक लाइ सहयोग गर्न र आफ्नो कितवा कपीको खर्च जोह गर्न अनीहरु भारी बोक्न वाध्य भएका छन ।
एकाविहनै नजिकैको अरुघाट बजार र विशालनगरमा आई उनीहरु ारी बोक्ने गर्दछन र नै बजे नै स्कुल जानका लागी घरतिर फर्कनछन । किताव कापी समाएर पढन बस्ने समयमा नाम्लो बोकेर भारी बोक्न जानुपर्ने उनीहरुको दैनिक दिनचर्या नै भइसकेको छ । बिहनभरी घरैमा बसेर पढ्ने रहर हुँदाहुँदै पनि किताव कापीको लागी खर्च उठाउन भारी बोक्ने गरेको सल्यानटार ८ सानोगाँउका राजेन्द्र कुमाल बतउछन् । उनी हाल कमलादेवी नि।मा।बि। मा कक्षा ६ मा अध्ययन्रत छन् । उनीहरुले बिहाभरी भारी बोकेर दिनको ५० रुपैया स्म्म कमाउने गरेको सल्यानटार -७ माझगाँउका तिलक कुमाल बताउछन । घरको कम्जोर आर्थिक अवस्था र भारी बोकेर घर फर्की स्कुल जान नभ्याएनाले कतिपय विद्यार्थीहरुले विद्यालय पनि जान छाडिसकेका छन् । बिद्यालय जान छाडी सकेकाहरु भने दभरी पनि भारी बोक्ने काम गर्छन । उनीहरु चाउचाउ बिस्कुट चामल चिउरा चिनी आदी खाधन्न बोक्ने काम गर्दछन ।

जनमुक्ति सेनाले नवौ वार्षिकोत्सगव मनाउने

सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धादिङ्गः मंसिर २५

माओवादीले जनमुक्ति सेनाको नवौ स्थापना दिवस अगामी फागुन १गते काठमाण्डौ मा मनाउने योजना वनाएको छ। तर आधिकारिक निर्णय भने हुन बाँकी छ । प्रप्त जानकारी अनुसार हालसम्म को अवस्थामा काठमाण्डौ मा नै मनाउने पक्कापक्की भएको छ ।

जनयुद्धको १५ औ वार्षिकोत्सव र नवौ जनमुक्ति सेना दिवस मनउन प्रारम्भिक तयारी समेत भइसकेको जनकारी प्राप्त भएको छ । सतवटा प्रमुख र २१ वटा सहायक शिविरमा बस्दै आएका १९ हजार ६ सय दुई लडाकाुको अगाुवाले वार्षिकोत्सवमा परेड खेल्ने छन । एक कमान्डरका अनुसार गत वर्ष भन्दा व्यवस्थित रुपमा जनसेना दिवस मनाने कार्यक्रम रहेको छ । जनमुक्ति सेना मुख्यालयका अनुसार यो वर्षको वार्षिकोत्वस मनोराजनात्मक ढङ्गवाट भनाइने छ । विभिन्न किसिमका खेलकुद र कला प्रदर्शन गरी वार्षिकोत्सव मनाउने छ । नजमुक्ति सेनाका प्रमुख नन्द किशोर पुनले उक कार्यक्रममा बताए अनुसार संम्भव भएसम्म काठमाण्डौको दशरथ रङ्गशालमा वार्षिकोत्सव मनउने तयारी हुदैछ ।

Mask mania gaining height

Binod Panta
Kathmandu, January 8:
Seven youth out of ten can be seen covering their face by mask around the metro areas. Mask mania has been a latest fashion that has hit the trend of this summer.
Santa Rai BBS Ist year student at Bajra international college, says he prefers mask not because of latest fashion trend but because of present environmental situation of summer. He added mask prevent us from different types of communicable diseases so he use mask but not because of fashion trend. But opposing Mr. Rai’s views BBA 4th semester student at Thames International College, Rajiv Lama use mask because he wants to be up to date with the modern fashion trend. Putting on mask makes me feel cool and bold so I use mask, he added.
Though the reason of using mask may be any, but the beneficial factor has been provided to the clothes and boutique houses. Because of fashion trend or to avoid bad environmental condition not only use but even children and old ones are seen using masks. This acted as an accelerator to the shop owners who are happy as the sale of mask these days has reached a great height.
Prabeg Shakya, an owner of a cloth shop at united world trade center, Tripureswar says that the selling of mask these days is many times more than the selling of mask few years ago. Moreover, youth are seen to be attractive toward mask comparing to the people of other age group. The intention of using mask has been found different even though a huge mask is attracted toward mask.

Sajha set for book exhibition

Binod Panta
Kathmandu, January 7:
Sajha publication is set to start yet a new session of grand book exhibition from monday. The grand book exhibition is announced to be inaugurated by Subash Chandra Nembang, Chairperson of Constituent Assembly,
The purpose of this exhibition is as usual to bridge the relationship between writers and readers . The exhibition is estimated to be conducted in Rastriya Sabha Griha where more than 8000 books of different categories from more than 80 publications will be exhibited says the managing director of Sajha Prakashan Victor Pradhan . The visitors will get heavy discount ranging from 9% to 80% depending upon the book. The exhibition will be conducted for 12 days. The buyers are said to be given allocated discount even though they buy the books from different part of Nepal during the exhibition time.
Sajha Prakashan announced to exhibit books of 9 different languages. With the slogan of “own language learn ownself”, Sajha announced to exhibit the books of Tamang, Limbu, Magar, Gurung, Bantawa, Chamling, Rai, Newar and Tharu language says the managing director of the publication.A huge number of people are assumed to visit the exhibition which will be held for 12 days.

Music Maestro in Concert

Binod Panta
Kathmandu, January 5:
It was cool friday and everyone was heading toward Patan museum. Usually the museum used to be closed earlier but on friday it was all wide open.
The one and only reason was the concert jointly organized by Hits fm and musicology where the legend singer Deep Shrestha and icon band 1974 AD were performing their best. The music lovers listened the fusion blend of 1974 AD and Deep Shrestha. Nearly, two dozen hit songs were performed by Deep Shrestha and 1974 AD.
Deep Shrestha performed the hit songs like Kati kamjor, Biteka kurale, Mata dur dekhi, Hara raat and other whereas 1974 AD hit the floor with Jaso gara je bhana, Pinjada ko suga, Mayalu le, Parelima, Guranshai fulyo and other.
The fusion of music occured to be and unique effort as it was organized for good motive and all the audiences cheered the show enthusiastically.
It appeared to be quite a different show compared to other various concerts organized in the huge ground with wild audiences.
The joint organizers Hits fm and musicology shared their happiness as it became a grand success and promised to continue such programmes in future.

Cartoon craze gaining height

Binod Panta
Kathmandu, January 10:
The new session 2066, has started spreading its wings. Most of the schools have started to run their regular classes whereas some schools are on their way to re-open the school after the last year's session break. Children are now in leisure, which may be a reason of watching cartoons a lot. Presently, they are abided by the weight age of their study and they spend most of the time watching cartoon. Faika local Suker Lamichhane said that his seventh grader daughter Alisha Lamichhane spend most of her time in cartoon. Cartoon has engulfed the interest of the preprimary kids to the student from higher standard.
"Some of the cartoons are helpful in the development of children's mind. So, I allow my children to watch such cartoon" says Suvadra Prajapati, professionally a teacher and a mother as well.
A number of entertainment programme are broadcast in television through different TV channel eventhough children are tempted mostly at cartoon. Child psychologist Dr. Asmit Basnet opened its secrecy and said "cartoons are easy to understand and keep the childrens' eyes moving."
It is good to watch cartoon for mere entertainmant but unroutinized cartoon watching may hamper the studies and health of children. Because of the temptation on cartoon the creativity of children may die and they may lost the habit of reading and writing.
It totally depend upon the strictness of guardians to restrict the children to watch cartoon for limited time. Time limitation in watching TV and proper daily routine is profitable for children.
Nearly 10 cartoon channels including Nick, Jetix, Pogo, Disney, Disneytoon, Cartoon Network etc. broadcast 24 hours cartoon and some other 10 entertainment channels too broadcast cartoon for limited time.

Buddha Jayanti, respected by everyone

Binod Panta
Kathmandu, May 29:
On the auspicious occasion of 2553rd birthday of Gautam Buddha, almost all the Buddha, Gumbas, Stupas, Chaityas, Vihars were full of pilgrims. Regardless of religion, people from all religious background were seen around Gumbas and Chaityas.
Sankhu resident, Hindu follower Bhala Shrestha, early in the morning, went to Buddha Stupa situated in Boudha for worshipping. Not only Bhola a large number of Hindu followers were seen around different Boudha, Vihars, Chaityas, Stupas and Gumbas.
Pilgrims were seen in large volume in the places like Swayambhu, Boudha, Chabahil and kapan. Prakash Pokharel who was about to enter the kapan monastry said "Nepal is famous all over the world because of Buddha so, it is not essential to be Buddhist to respect Buddha and his philosophy,"
Even Christians were seen around Buddha Gumbas. Nakul Sijapati, a christian too visited along with his friends. He said "We should respect religious tolerance and for Nepali all religion are same and equal. That's why I am here." He added " for me both Buddha and Jesus are one.
All the visitors in the Gumbas, Stupas, Chaityas, Vihars wished for the permanent restoration of peace and prosperity in Nepal. Different peace programmes were held in different places of the country on this occasion.

Promising education by HSEB

Binod panta
Kathmandu, December 25: Almost all the media houses are busy with the advertisement of different +2 colleges in the town. It thus indicates that these 10 +2 colleges are the major provider of higher education in Nepal. These +2 colleges promise quality teaching and stimulating learning environment for students eager to pursue studies beyond high school.The higher secondary schools started their promotional campaign to attract students a month ago, as soon as the results of the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) exams were out.
The colourful ads stand as a testimony that Nepal has not lost all hopes, despite reigning uncertainties in economy, politics and law and order. The popularity of Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB has received well appreciation from the SLC graduates. According to the HSEB, more than 72 per cent of this year’s SLC graduates have joined grade 11 classes. The board expects the figure, that is, the share of student intake for +2 schools, will reach as high as 80 per cent.
Due to the extreme popularity of these +2 colleges the old Proficiency Certificate Level (PCL), run by the Tribhuwan University (TU) is gradually losing its relevance and is in the verge of extinction.
The educational expert says “The higher secondary system has transformed the whole education scenario in Nepal, offering the most competitive and quality education to students”. “Over 90 per cent of MBBS, engineering, business and management graduates today are the products of the higher secondary system. The 10+2 has been a catalyst in all this transformation.”
Govinda Raj Joshi, the education minister between 1991 and 1995, introduced drastic changes in the education sector, including the 10+2 schools. He proposed a number of amendments in the existing acts, which ultimately took the 10+2 to the present shape.To ensure the quality education for all the Nepali citizens 10+2 institutions has reached even in these remote areas where there are no schools. The HSEB has been making efforts to take the 10+2 education to the doorsteps of the rural people.
Due to the mixture of politics in TU’s colleges, students and parents in search of secured education join the +2 colleges as in these institutions there is no any room for politics. Classes run here with fewer interruptions than in TU colleges,” says Krishna Kanta Parajuli, principal of Canvas International College. “Our college offers science, management and humanities at grades 11 and 12.”
Nepali has received good support for educational as +2 colleges are providing quality education and producing competent students. While anarchy and disorder are continuing to find a foothold in all spheres of life, a major question before HSEB is how to sustain the success.

Hard life due to load shedding

Binod Panta
Kathmandu, December 16:
The life of every Nepali citizen is really hardened by the increasing schedule of load shedding. As the water in the river goes down, the power generating capacity is drastically reduced. We don't have other option other than to cut the power. The deficit of power is around 5.4 million units daily" said Sher Singh Bhat, chief of Systems Operation Department of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA).
Because of political instability in the country there is no any immediate sign for ending the power cut. Nepalese have to prepare for severe load shedding for a long time. As soon as the winter approaches when demands of power go up, the power generation declines. As there is no option for load shedding, it is going to be a way of life for the population living in the urban areas.
Like all prime ministers in the past, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, shared his dream of selling power to India to make Nepalese rich. Just weeks after his statement that Nepal will construct the power projects about 10,000 MW in ten years, NEA had announced the severe load shedding of 7 hours a day.In early December the weekly load- shedding had gone up from 31 to 45 hours a week. Since then, it has been a steady northward journey much to everybody's discomfort. The weekly load shedding touched 70 hours on December 18. As per the current schedule, there will be 16 hours load shedding daily that is 108 hours a week across the nation for six days a week.
Thanks to the new harsh schedule, many industries have already declared that they will shut down factories if the government does not supply adequate power. Due to power cuts, many workers from different industries and factories have already been laid off. “Kush Kumar Joshi, an industrialist stated that there is no any option for them than to shut down the industries. Despite certain relief to the industrial corridors and industrial states, large number of industries lying outside these centers are set for closure till the regular power supply," he said. "If government gives us an opportunity, we will find a way out."
Not only the industrial sector, the short supply of electricity has disturbed overall social, educational, cultural life of the people all over Nepal.

Identity Crisis (A modern day tragedy)

Taushila Rana
Kathmandu, December 31:
Materialism have over whelmed the whole world .We people are being much more materialistic .Material product, in global world is gaining much more height due to capitalism/ capitalistic market/capitalistic modes of production. Competition is all over. So people are keen to get lot more new &new product , as soon as they been launched in market .
So today’s world have become much more sophisticated .Technologies made world much more narrower, easier & comfortable .The lifestyle of people have been changed altered. They are brainwashed and overpowered by modern technological tools .Hence the identify of human being is in crisis these days. It is the talent , know qualification of people which helps for the development of world technologies .They are being overshadowed .In today’s world, what matter is the thing people demonstrate(dress),vehicles, Jwelleries, nuclear weapons and people’s internal knowledge ,capability talent, qualification, etc all are becoming null. They doesn’t matter at all. They are turned down to cipher .They have not any identical aspect. So, modern days people along with their knowledge art skills etc are losing their identity .Their identification doesn’t work rather they ’re being identified by the types of house they live in , type of dress they wear, type of vehicle they ride and many other things so, material product are worthwhile .
So, identity of people is in crisis. It is the greatest tragedy of present materialistic world. People are just becoming a cog to run the whole mechanism. Their’s identity is being confined and are worthless. So, we must think of the greatest tragedy. Otherwise people no more will be a human .We must jute people internally not externally. We must take the saying in mind that “what is I’m from inside not from outside.’’

Michael Jackson Used Sedatives Prior to His Death

Benisha hamal
It has been discovered that Michael Jackson, who’s death shocked pop-culture-obsessed America, may have used sedatives to help with insomnia shortly before his untimely demise.
It has been learned that Michael Jackson, just several months before his untimely death, became so bothered by constant insomnia that he asked, and then nearly begged, for a powerful sedative to help his sleep. Warnings from a nutritionist who had been employed by Jackson were apparently not enough to change Jackson’s mind, however, and there is conjecture that the pills may have been a contributing cause to the entertainer’s death. Cherilyn Lee, who is a registered nurse who specializes in nutrition regimens, continuously told Jackson no when he asked for the sedatives.
Four days before he died, however, Jackson called Lee, clearly concerned and upset, and Lee suspected that Jackson had acquired Diprivan or another similar drug to help him sleep. Said Lee, "He called and was very frantic and said, ‘Michael needs to see you right away.’ I said, ‘What’s wrong?’ And I could hear Michael in the background, ‘One side of my body is hot, it’s hot, and one side of my body is cold. It’s very cold.’ I said, ‘Tell him he needs to go to the hospital. I don’t know what’s going on, but he needs to go to the hospital right away.’"
Lee added, "At that point, I knew that somebody had given him something that hit the central nervous system. He was in trouble Sunday and he was crying out." Though an autopsy has been conducted, results on an official cause of death are not expected for several more weeks. There Said Lee, "He wasn’t looking to get high or feel good and sedated from drugs. This was a person who was not on drugs. This was a person who was seeking help, desperately, to get some sleep, to get some rest."

Bike modification craze can kill you

Benisha hamal
If you have bought your teenager a trendy two-wheeler and the very next day he or she wants to get it modified to give it a sporty look, then put your foot down. It’s not just to save a few thousand rupees but to avoid fatal accidents. During August 2008to July 2009, the police registered 944 motorbike accidents, more than 40 per cent of the total accidents in the Kathmandu valley, according to Metropolitan Police Traffic Division.
“Most of these bikes were modified traffic police of Kathmandu said. Modification of the vehicle in any way is illegal and the owners are liable for legal action,. “In the past one year,They have fined over 700 riders, who had modified their bikes”.The police say they have also organised workshops for mechanics to raise awareness that modification in any form is not allowed.The repairmen in Kathmandu, however, say they find the young boys’ urge for changing the design irresistible, for it fetches them money and they can try their skills and put their creativity to use — albeit at the client’s risk.
And, the bikers say it’s trendy and fun riding the bike after modification . “Most of my friends also have had their bikes modified,” they blame peer pressure for this rising trend . “While riding such bikes it gives confidence to speed up, drive roughly and fearlessly,”they said.Teenagers’ craze to modify their motorcycles only makes them more vulnerable to road accidents, police say.

What makes a successful business person?

Benisha hamal
Business people who are tops in their field have a lot in common, and art professionals can learn a lot from their successes and strategies.
I have a theory on doing business. If my business is good, it's not because of the weather, the time of year or the economy. It's because of me. I'm doing something right. If my business is bad, it's not because of the weather, the time of the year or the economy. It's because of me. I'm doing something wrong. Somebody is always buying something from somebody, so how can I make them buy from me?
First of all, you need confidence in yourself and your merchandise with clear goals and knowledge of the products you are selling. Only then can you inspire dedication from your staff and a willingness to buy from customers.
Successful business people, no matter what their industry, have been found to share similar traits. Today's world is no longer satisfied with simply success--we want to know how the successful get to the top. The Russians developed a concept called "anthropomaximology," in which they try to answer the question of why some individuals outperform others. Through the years I've done some anthropomaximology of my own and found there are certain qualities that describe successful business people. Here are a few:
They constantly set higher goals Successful business people are mountain climbers who, having climbed one peak, look beyond to the next highest. They are the retailers who send 1,500 mailers to their customers and yield a good turnout of 100. But instead of being satisfied with 100, they ask how they can increase that number to 150 the next time.

Global warming threatens lake burst in Nepal

Benisha hamal
As Nepal is home to the mighty Himalayas, global warming has increased the pace of snow melting, which, in turn, has made glacial lakes swell. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) had warned five years ago that 20 big glacial lakes in the country are at risk of floods from glacial lake bursts, which could trigger huge loss of life and property. Different reports suggest the frequency of such bursts has increased in the recent past. "Eight glacial lake bursts occurred in Nepal from 1977 to 2005 according to records and satellite imagery," says a climate change officer at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF-Nepal Program).One of the most startling results of climate change can be seen in the spectacular Tsho Rolpa glacial lake situated in the Rolwaling valley, north of the capital Kathmandu. "The lake had an area of 0.23 sq kilometers in 1950. It has since swollen to 1.7 sq kilometers," says the director general of the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Madan Lal Shrestha. On September 3, 1998, the Sabai Tsho lake-burst killed two persons and washed away fields and trekking trails of Solukhumbu district, which is home to Mount Everest. Likewise, in September 1997, the Dudh Koshi burst destroyed a mini hydro plant there. On July 1991, the Chilbung Lake burst, damaging houses in Beding village in Rolwaling valley. ICIMOD (International Center for Integrated Mountain Development) and UNEP has shown that there are 26 potential dangerous glacial lakes in Nepal.
Rapid melting of snow has also led to the receding of the snowline and glacial rivers. "The Rikhasambha glacier river has receded 100 meters between 1974 and 1994. Such recession of glacial rivers is also seen elsewhere," points out Shrestha. Nepal is witnessing a disturbance in mountain climate, flash floods, cloudbursts, erratic weather patterns and so on. Every year, the number of people dying in floods and landslides increases.

Lack of Educated Artists in Nepali Film Industry

Benisha hamal
The history of Nepali movies is not that long but it has grown a lot in recent days. Movie industry is one of the most creative industries and it demands the most creative crews to w it. But to our disappointment, only a few Nepali involved in the industry have a university degree. A sad truth is that 60% of the Nepali film artists haven’t passed 10th grade. It is seen that educated artists have succeeded in their fields as compared to uneducated artists. When we talk about education Rajesh Hamal with a MA degree in English literature, comes the first due to his education and acting skills. There are many who don’t like him but it is undisputed that he is a super-hit actor of Nepali film industry. Some new actresses like Sanchita Luitel, Malvika Subba have master’s degree. Mithila Sharma, Arunima Lamsal, Sarita Lamichanne alos managed to get a bachelor’s degree. There are some educated film directors and writers who are doing good works in Nepali movie industry. Some directors with a masters’ degree are Deepak Rayamajhi, Daya Ram Dahal, Naresh Poudel, Desh Bhakta Khanal, Dinesh DC, and BS Thapa. Writers and technicians like Javed Shah, Dr Bhola Rijal also has masters’ degree. Baikuntha Maskey (Bachelor- Photography), Tapa Nath Sukla (Sound Engineer), Pradeep Kumar Upadhaya(Sound Engineer) are other educated pioneer in the Nepali film industry.

Slums and their condition in Nepal

Benisha hamal
I’m writing about some worst condition of slums in Nepal, Every year World Bank and different western countries like UK, Japan, USA and India is giving Crores of Rupees for the development of slums, their sanitation and health. No government authorities have really inspected whether the money is really spent or gone to the NGO owner’s pocket. Now-a-days in Nepal lots of NGO’s are registering like Mushrooms for improving their life styles only. I went to different slums to see whether the money is really spent or not and what I saw, brought tears to my eyes. The way people suffering, hundreds of people using one latrine, they are drinking dirty water and suffering from many diseases. This is not the condition of my city only, but everywhere in the world poor people are suffering and lots of money going for rich man’s pocket. When I went to see their sanitation I could not believe my eyes, one latrine with no walls can u believe it. People are maintaining their life like these days, months, years, even the whole life time. They are using canal water, where lots of wastage, medical wastage flowing everyday .Their life is worst than stray dogs and animals. I asked some women how they are doing their sanitation, latrine in this condition ,they told me ,"what to do our life is like this sir...we have to finish this very early morning, but in day time we face severe problem, nobody is in administration here to listen us or to solve our problems. This is really pathetic and disgusting.

Rato Machchhnidranath; The Rain God

Spardha Chand
Kathmandu, May 27 :Nepal, as we all know is in rich in its cultural heritage. Almost every month it has at least one festival to be celebrated and we are proud that we have got celebrations every month. May that be Dashain or Chaite Dashain, it is celebrated well over. Among those all, one festival which is not to be missed is the Rato Machchhindranath’s chariot festival followed ho Bhote Jatra.
This festival takes place in Patan and as about a month long. Buddhist rain god, Rato Machchhnidranath is worshiped in this festival. The statue is placed in a tall chariot made by the traditional way using mostly log of woods. During the celebrations the towering chariot of lord Machchhnidranath is pulled by ropes through the narrow streets of city followed by a large crowed of worshipers. In front of the chariot, a small crowed of musicians and soldiers add even more excitement to the festival.
Over the period of several weeks, the chariot is slowly hauled to Jawalakhel where tens of thousands of devotees burn oil lamps and keep an all-night-vigil. To end up the long est, the “Bhoto” a sacred waistcoat, itself the subject of many legend is displayed from the chariot as all the onlookers strain to catch a glimpse of the lucky sight. A final ritual is then conducted to mark lord Machchhnidranath’s departure for one year.
This festival has one famous legend attached to it that once in the ancient times there was no rain in this valley. The king was worried and with different means he happened to know that all the serpents have to been used to make a seat by a powerful priest named Gorakhnath. He would not let the snakes go at any cost. To find a solution the king then brought Lord Machchhnidranath from India. Upon seeing Machchhnidranath, he soon stood up to pay homage to the lord who was his teacher as well. Then at the same time all the snakes were freed and there was rain in the valley. Since then every year the chariot is pulled around the city of Lalitpur.
This festival has been a reputed part of the religion over the past centuries. Also this feast stands as the symbol of unity that hundreds and thousands of people still gather together to pull the chariot. It surely is an example of unity. Moreover, once during the celebration, the chariot is pulled by all women power, which is another exciting part of the pull. Even in this today’s life where people are to busy with their works, they still manage to get their hands in the rope at least once during the whole month. This symbol of unity has been keeping the citizens together and in the future as well the glorious trend should go on and on.

Mugu hardest hit by price hike

Spardha Chand
Kathmandu, July 15 : Poor availability of food in remote hill and mountain district caused by the drought last winter has led commodity price to increase markedly in June.
A market watch, a price assessment report, jointly produced by the UN World Food Program (WFP), the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Consumers Interest Protection Forum stated that Mugu district is the hardest hit by increase in the price of essential commodities.
The report said price of rice and beans shot up by 30 and 50 percent respectively between May and June in Mugu district. Similarly price of cooking oil also rose by five percent in the district. Reduced food stock in the district and insufficient external supply has resulted in the sky rocketing price of essential commodities, the report says.
According to the report, winter drought has resulted in the worse than usual supply situation this year especially in the remote hill and mountain districts. “For instance, wheat grain stocks have decreased in 75 percent of hill markets and were completely depleted in 40 percent of the mountain markets covered by the study”, the report added.
Ongoing monsoon rains are also expected to cause transportation problems over the coming months, which will further reduce food supplies in markets in remote areas, stated the report.

Problem of disposal of Valley Waste

Spardha Chand
Kathmandu, July 27 : The collection of waste in Kathmandu Valley remains uncertain following an inconclusive end to the meeting between the local struggle committee, Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) and the Local Development Ministry on Monday.
Okharpauwa locals have been obstructing waste disposal demanding a written commitment from the government to fulfill their different demands since last week. Due to the irresponsibility of the government the struggle committee is not being able to reach to the agreement and its consequences is to be faced by all locals of Kathmandu valley.
The committee has not asked for any money but has demanded for the establishment of development works at the land fill site in Okharpauwa, but government is not showing any interest is the complain of the committee members, so, to grant their demands they have not let KMC dispose garbage and they won’t do so until they will get written commitment from government.
Rabinman Shrestha chief of the environmental department at KMC, said, “Locals form a group consisting of three or four members, and come up with different demands every time to obstruct waste disposal, which has made difficult for the government to fulfill their demands.” He said that there are at least two dozens such committees.
According to KMC, over Rs. 90 million has so far been invested towards the development of Okharpauwa landfill site over the last four years. The government is planning to develop Banchareydanda, between Nuwakot and Dhadhing, as a long term solution for the disposal of valley waste.

Social networking sites could harm moral values

Spardha Chand
Kathmandu, May 29:
Social networking sites may help people stay connected in today’s fast-paced world but they can also harm moral values, says a new study. An international team has found that social networking sites could make people indifferent to human suffering as they don’t allow time for compassion or dealing out with other people.
What’s more shocking is that the study has found that emotions linked to moral senses are slow to respond to news and events and have failed to keep up with the modern world. And according to the researchers, as activities such as reading books and meeting friends, where people can define their morals, are taken over by bits of news and fast moving social networking, the problem could become widespread. Children could be particularly vulnerable because their brains are still developing, they said. A student of Times International, Srijana Thapa said “When I chat with friends in computer I don’t realize the time and sometime I end up talking for hours and hours.” Such behavior is the hindrance for socializing and could detach one person with another.
Lead researcher Mary Helen Immordino-Yang of the University of Southern California said, “If things are happening too fast, you may not ever fully experience emotions about other people’s psychological states and that would have implications for your morality. For some kinds of thought, especially moral decision making about other people’s social and psychological situations, we need to allow for adequate time and reflection.”

Winter comes with handfull of problems

Archana Gurung
Kathmandu, December 31:
As Nepali winter has set, the mornings and evenings are started to get colder. Except cold, winter in Nepal also brings an increase in power cuts. The city turns dark due to certain hours of daily loadsheeding and people are either compelled to work in darkness or let to sit ideally in absence of light. It’s a major problem that we have been facing from many years. Another major problem is the water shortage. Majority of city areas are dependent to Sundarijal water project for clean drinking water. So water shortage starts as soon as the water level decreases in Sundarijal and it lasts till the following monsoon. In addition, we have the regular strikes going on which gives sometimes problems in obtaining diesel, petrol, gas and other food staffs. Pollution and traffic jams are also the problems being faced. Criminal activities like theft, robbery, kidnapping, abduction, also makes the city life much harder. The number of road accidents due to poor weather condition is even being the city’s major problem.

Child labour is enforcement

Subash Gurung
Kathmandu, December 19:
About 72 percent of Nepalese people are under the line of poverty. They have a pitiable state and they can hardly manage their basic needs (foods, clothes and shelter). They work for a whole day even though they are unable to meet with their basic needs. As a result their child are enforce to be a labor; to work in factories, industries, hotels, vehicles and other’s house.
Child labour is a basic social problem in Kathmandu valley. Generally children are seemed working in a hotels and factories. In addition, they are even serving as a maid/servant in the houses of rich and filthy people. Children are even found in the embankment of rivers as a stone breaker in rural parts of Nepal. So, why are they there? Is this the time they must work? Don’t they wish for going to school? Do they get paid for labour? To which way their future leads them? Is this the new Nepal? Is the Government is conscious about this social evil?
It is Sushma Pariyar; a worker at local hotel in Boudha tells that she runs so to escape her father’s married a second wife after the death of her mother when she was 10. I am paid 800 a month.
Devika Tamang a housemaid tells that she was brought up in Kathmandu by one of the ‘Didi’ and she was kept their since last 2 years. She has a very bitter experience, as she claimed that she was severly beaten by ‘Malikni’ for the very small mistakes she have done unwilling. I am paid Rs 1000 a month.
Anu Tamang, claims that her mother is a drunkard and so her father makes them live apart. So, she is complied to live in others house as a co-worker. She’s a bitter experience of washing dishes/clothes and polishing shoes even at the age of 9.
Hari Chaudhary, so called Kale a worker in hotel at Chabahil, says it’s hard to work in hotel. I need to wake up at 4, sweep the hotel, scrub the floor, and wash the utensils, help the cook Dai, serve the customer. I am unable to make a minute leisure. I am paid RS 700 a month.
Binod Pariyar a khalishi of route Sankhu-Baneshowor is bit happy to be a khalishi. He has a family at Mahankal: sewing is the job they do. I am by my will in this work. I can earn a good sum daily. I hate studying. I even give money to my family as a support.
So, it’s all about their compulsion they need to work as a child labour. The major reason is poverty which enforced the entire child to work even though they didn’t desire.


Subash Gurung
Kathmandu, December 30:
Exams were of high values in the past days. It used to be a matter of concern for everybody, not only students even the parents, teachers and school administration used to prepare a lot for exams, all used to give their best to do the exam successfully used to be reason.
But what we have in the modern days is exam is just being given as a formality it’s easy to pass. The way of giving exam is totally changed. Our seniors used to prepare from a starting a session to give exams but what we do is last minute preparation. Even but not by reading but by preparing cheats. Let’s even analyses the exam environment. Our seniors used to write from the very next minute after getting questions, but what we do is gossiping, copying and many more of getting questions. We cheat and move here and there till last minute. It’s the even the case that our friends sometimes mesh with the invigilator if he goes strict. The exams classes are much noisy. These days, we even see the teachers of respective schools coming in the exam halls and helping their students. In past days, the exams questions to be much more confidential but what we have in the present days is question leak. Students’ rushes to get the leak question and started to make cheats. Their pockets are full of cheats and so do the exam hall. So, the exams less worthy today. It is even the day that we guys are dropping the paper and many of the students are even escaping it.
The consequence is negative. Students are less conscious to their study and their future is being ruined. These all efforts strike to their genuinity.

Nightlife in Kathmandu, wow!

Subash Gurung
Kathmandu, December 29:
Traveling at night in Kathmandu makes us know how good Kathmandu city is cool wind breezing softly to freshen the mind, the dustless smokeless road with no traffic jams and lights on roads, houses hotels and complexes compare to the new York city and we can feel we are in one of the coolest city of the world. In addition, clubs and casinos in different parts of the city dances bars, pubs dhori and rodhi club are the best entertaining parts of night life here.
As the night creeps in we can observe many public vehicles standstill. Only taxi service can be seen. Others just we can see private cars and bikes. So, with the low frequency of vehicles traffic jams are automatically controlled and one can reach anywhere on time. Another……. Aspect of nightlife’s that there oftenly is no more checking at nighttime and anyone can make the easy and comfort drive. The entertaining lights on streets and houses are another good feature of nightlife in Kathmandu.
Nightlife is even for relaxation and entertainment. In Kathmandu, we get to see number of dance clubs, pubs, dance bars, karaoke, rodhi and dhori clubs, casinos, etc which regulate mostly at the night time. And people walk at night with no other reason rather them only more with expectation of having fun and relaxation. It is the best part of nightlife, that we enter the dance clubs and shake our body in club mix music and enjoy drinks. Some people even visit hotels and restaurants to enjoy live music. Today, KFCs and pizza hut are also there to support the empty appetite of people at night time.

Same is the condition

Subash Gurung
Kathmandu, December 18:
A century old Rana Regmi was overthrow in 2007 with the support of overall Nepali citizen and Tribhuvan declared democratic national Nepal with the arm effort of Nepalese citizen 29 years old panchayat system was sacked in 2046 and again multiparty democracy system re-establish in Nepal. Again by peoples movement 2nd a very old monarchial rule was rooted out in 2063/64 and new system was enacted. The country runs with interim constitution and general public are even hopeful today that the day will come when they can get a new constitution, a new Nepal.
These all phases in the history of Nepal show that people are being fighting from the centuries past so as to make a good country. They wished to be a citizen of developed country. Hence they insist lot more political revolution for the changes but still the situation of Nepal and Nepali is same. Nepal is still the developing nation in world horizon; it is in 37th position in the list of leading corruption countries. The total income per Nepali is 247$ per year bartic fundamental rights are being violated from the next day of drafted constitution and these all shows how poor is the condition of Nepalese people. Leaders are still advocating for the presentation of human rights but they themselves are the violator.
During the Rana regime (1903-2007) even the rights were guaranteed for the welfare of public and still these days the condition is same. The constitution even 2046 guaranteed basic fundamental rights and duties of a citizen for the uplift of Nepali but these rights and duties are made limited to constitution books only. No more implementation is seen. Rules and laws seems been breaking down. So corruption and exploitation gains the height. The resulting factor is poverty, developmental lag in consistency, political unrest, strikes etc.
Hence, Nepali can no more progress this long period of time. It is even these days an agricultural country. More than 80% of Nepalese people depend on agriculture to earn their livelihood. They lack modern technical device and the situation and their production is same with the use of ancient tools. There is still illiteracy, cast system, gender discrimination and they are no more conscious about their rights and freedom guaranteed by the constitution.
Same is the condition in city areas. As in the past, we can still visualize traffic jams, pollution, political unrest, strikes, etc. youths are even seem brain washed the big talk of leaders and they are still fighting for the peace. Countries suffer a heavy loss due to political unrest and visionless leaders and the situation is still the same.