Homeless children on the streets of Nepal
Kathmandu ,2009/9/28
With increasing urbanization and urban-focused opportunities and facilities, the problem of street children is growing year by year. Children from rural villages and districts end up on city streets as a result of poverty, broken families. Physical and mental abuse in the family, abandonment, helplessness, and desire to live in the city. Being an orphan, abandonment, rise in domestic violence, lack of opportunities including education and recreation in the villages, exploitation at work places, growing trend of migration in general and the ongoing conflict situation are the reasons contributing to children coming to streets. Every year around 500 children are landed in the streets of Kathmandu from different districts of Nepal. Children come mainly from neighboring districts of Kathmandu, like Nuwakot, Sindhupalchowk, Kavre, Dhading, Makawanpur and Dolkha.
However, it is recognized that there needs to be preventive and controlling measures at the origins and destinations of these children with issuance of identity cards for rehabilitative service. They concentrate in the areas like junkyards, temples, market centers, cinema halls, airports, bus terminals, hardware shops, tourist centers, etc. while they do their work. While on the street they face problems of hunger, shelter, clothes, etc. Similarly, face problems from police, "dada" (bullies), gang etc. With all these problems and tensions, they lead their complex life. Street children are among the high risk and insecure groups and they are vulnerable to various forms of exploitation and abuses. Street children in Nepal are very vulnerable to the exposure to alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Street Children regard alcohol and drug use is one of the escape mechanisms to release or to get away from all their worries, tensions and problems.es for those who have already arrived in urban centers Street children face hunger, lack of health and education facilities, lack of opportunity for skills development, physical and sexual exploitation by elder and former street children, drug abuse, etc. It is also reported that as they grew up they face difficulties in making a livelihood and, consequently, became involved in immoral and illegal activities, contributing to social disorder. Some NGO's address the issues of street children with transit homes, skills training, socialization centers, counseling, provision of food and education, family reunion.
Benisha hamal
I always thought that it is the adult people who are the main victims of drug addiction. However, it seems that I am wrong at least once. Nepalese school children have perhaps over written every rule in the book of common sense. I just read a very sad report in the Himalayan Times. I am quoting from the report: “An unsuspecting Nepal should wake up to a hard lesson — about 70 per cent of its documented drug addicts are schoolchildren, reports said quoting a social service organization. Narconon Nepal says it came across the stunning discovery that about 64 per cent of addicts are youngsters studying in Grade VII and VIII during its work with drug users in Nepal. According to Puja Kanwar, director of the Nepal chapter of the international network of drug prevention and social education rehabilitation centres, founded by a former convict and heroin addict, there are at least 150,000 addicts of whom nearly 105,000 are school students.
Of these, over 80 per cent were introduced to drugs by other older or former students.”
These days, the school children and the young generation are getting attracted towards the western culture and fashion. Unfortunately, they are getting attracted to the dirty side of the western culture more than the good side and that is why drug addiction is increasing at an alarming rate in the country. Many girls and boys are involved in a romantic relationship and when the boy or the girl comes in touch of drug the other partner is likely to follow suit.
Different causes underlie suicide, some of the main ones being depression, drug abuse, anxiety, personality disorder, etc. According to WHO in 1999, 10 people attempt suicide for every 100,000 of the general population. In Nepal, women below the age of 30 are the main at-risk population for suicide . Living all day in the confines of the house can lead to the mind becoming narrow and the tendency to make mountains out of molehills. As a result, some impulsively decide to take their own lives without thinking of the future of their children. The incidence of suicide among children and men, in addition to women, is not new, just less frequent. Suicide attempts by women are double those of men. According to the Bir Hospital, about 40 percent of their patients come in just to recover from a failed suicide attempt. Analyzing suicides in Nepal, Dr. Manish Kumar, an doctor in the ER of Norvic Hospital, said that people in the mountainous regions commit suicide by hanging; in the Terai, (plains area), poison is the preferred means; and in urban areas, drugs. According to the statistics, most Nepalese suicides have simply chosen to hang themselves. In Nepal, yearly population growth overall is only 3 percent, but for suicide the figure is 10 percent, which indicates a serious problem. Life is important to every human being. To make it valuable, some dare to do extraordinary things, and some waste their lives in suicide. Suicide may be a private matter, but the reasons for it are a problem in all nations.
Korean fashion in city
Spardha Chand
Kathmandu, December 29: Korean glam culture has been fastening its grip over youths all around the world .It is a country of bourgeoning fashionistas. Korean’s of all ages from all walks of life pay exacting attention to what they wear and how they look. Korean cultural products, from film to pop music to fashion trends are best received here due to their western counterparts. Korean can be called high heel capital of the world. While boys rush by jeans and jackets, girls flaunt around in high heels all seasons. While it comes to hair dressing cuts like razor, zigzag, grunge, spike and rare cut have been getting enormous attention here in Nepal as well. Beautician, Sonam ghale, feels motivated at the prospect of costumers flooding into her parlour due to Korean fashion trends catching up quick in Nepal “we have been rendering our services since the last six years. We have witnessed an admirable growth in this segment over the years. Customers flood in asking for services like facials, hair cutting, skin treatment, hair colouring and hair straightening. We use imported cosmetics from Korea”. She says.
Due to the flourishing market for Korean fashion, scores of beauty parlours have popped up all around the city. Their customers are mainly youth who generally approach the parlours with the sample of haircut they want to do, clipped out from magazine and other sources.
आरुघाट पुल निर्माण तिब्रगतीमा
धादिङ्ग ः असार २६: धादिङ्ग जिल्ल्ाा र गोरखा जिल्लाको व्यापारिक दृष्टिकेाणले महत्वपुर्ण स्थान मानिआएको अरुघाटमा मोटर गुड्ने पक्की पुल को निर्माण कार्य तिब्र गतिमा भइरहेको छ ।
धादिङ्ग जिल्लाको सल्यानटार गाविस र गोरखा जिल्लाकोृ आरुचनौटे गाविस मा अवस्थित अरुघाट बजार वरीपरी जड्ने पक्की पुल बुढिगण्डकी नदिमा निर्माण भइरहेको छ । १८ करोडको कुल लागतमा निर्माण भइरहेको यस पुललाई तिन वर्ष भित्र बनाईसक्ने लक्ष्या लिइएको छ । निर्माण कार्य धमाधम भइरहेको छ र स्थानियवासीले पनि निर्माण कार्यमा सहयोग गरिहनु भउको ले निश्चित समयावधी मा निर्माण कार्य सकिने पुल निर्माण कार्य का सुपरभाइजर विर बा। लामाले बताउनु भयो ।
यो पुल निर्माण पछि गारखाको उत्तरी क्षेत्रका मानिसहरुलाई काठमाण्डौ धादिङ्गबेसी र धादिङ्ग उत्तरी क्षेत्रका मानिसलाई गोरखा पोखरा नारायणघाट जानलाई छिटो र सजिलो हुनछ ।
अरुघाट बजार हुँदै अबैध जडिबुट्टीको निकासी
धादिङ्ग साउन २: धादिङ्ग र गोरखा जिल्लाको एक प्रमुख व्यापारीक केन्द्र अरुघाट बजार हँुदै अबैध जडिबुट्टी को काठमाण्डौ जिल्लाहरुमा चोरी निकासी हुने गरेको पाइएको छ ।
यासा्रगुम्बा पाँचऔले चिराइतो जटामसी कुरिलो जस्ता जडिबुट्टी हरु आरुघाट बजारको नाका हुदै राजधनी र तराईका चितवन पसा्र । रुपन्देही आदी जिल्लाहरुमा निकासी हुने गरेको छ । यस्ता जडिबुट्टीहरु विशेष गरी गोरखा जिल्लको दर्गम उत्तरी भेग बाट ल्यउने गरेको । छेकम्पार सामागाँउ करौजा । सिर्दिबास जगत उइया आदी ठाँउबाट नाका हुँदै ािश्चित गन्तव्यमा पुर् याउने तथ्य बाहिर आएको यस्ता अबैध काममा लाग्नेहरु प्राय ती दुर्गम गाँउका मानिसहरु नै रहेको आरुघाट विशालनगर निवासी जडिबुट्टी व्यवसाय मा संलग्न बल ब। गरुङ्ग बताउनु हुन्छ । उनीहरु काठमाण्डौ जाने बहाना मा अरुघाट बसी यहीबाट जडिबुट्टी निकास गर्ने गर्छन । आरुचनौटे इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय आरुघाट का इन्चार्ज प्रहरी निरिक्षक दिपक दाहाल भने यो कुरामा सहमत हुनुहुन्न । आफुमा अहिले सम्म यस्तो खबर नआएको बताउनुभयोर तर विशालनगर का एक युवाले भने यस्ता अबैध कामगर्ने लाई भने केही स्थानिय बासी र पुलिस प्रशासनले समेत सहयोग गर्ने गरेको खुलासा गर्नुभयो ।
आरुघाट बजार कै नाका हुदै प्रतिबन्धित हुचिल चराको पनि विशेष गरी काठमाण्डौ मा निर्यात हुने गरेको छ । यस सम्बन्धि पनि सुरक्षा निकाय मौन रहेको छ ।
त्रिपुरासुन्दरी माईको पननिर्माण हुने
सुजन श्रेष्ठ
धदिङ्ग पुष ९: राष्ट्रियस्तरमा नै धार्मिक सांस्कृतिक तथा ऐतिहासिक महत्व बोकेको धादिङ्ग जिल्लाको सल्यानकोट गाँउ विकास समितिमा रहेको त्रिपुरासुन्दरी माईको तल्लोकोटमा रहेको मन्दिरको पुननिर्माण गरिने भएको छ ।
पृथ्वीनारायण शाहको एकिकरणको विषयमा समेत िवंवदन्ती जोडेको त्रिपुरासुन्दरी मईको मथिल्लोकाट मन्दिर देखि कबि ४०० मिटर पर रहेको तल्लोकोट मन्दिर जिर्ण हुँदै गएपछी पुननिर्माणको लागी पहल सुरु भएको हो । मन्दिर पुननिर्माण गर्न दर्खा गा।वि।स। वडा नं। ७ का कृष्ण सिम्खडा र केशव सिम्खडाले व्यक्तिगत रुपमा करिब ३० लाख रुपैयाँ आर्थिक सहयोग गर्नुहुने भएको छ । जिल्ला भित्र मात्र नभई जिल्ला बाहिर समेत उक्त मन्दिरको जीर्ण भएको भवन प्यागोडा शैलिमा निर्माण गर्नका लागी पुराक्तव विभाग काठमाण्डौका इन्जिनियर ध्रुव अधिकारी र लिपिविज्ञ उत्तम खनालको पनि सहभागिता रहने बताइएको छ । मन्दिरको नयाँ भवन निर्माण गर्ने विषयमाछलफल गर्न आयोजित भेलामा इन्जिनियर ध्रुव अधिकारीले नयाँ भवन निर्माणका क्रममा मन्दिरमा पुजा गर्ने पुरानो संरचनालाई यथावत राखिने बताउनुभएको छ । पुननिर्माणले गर्दा धार्मिक एंव ऐतिहासिक धरोहरको रक्षा र भत्तजनहरुले पनि सुविधा पाउने मन्दिरका पुजारी गोपाल खड्काले बताउनु भएको छ ।
भेलामा नेकपा एमाले धादिङ्ग जिल्ला कमिटी सदस्य रामहरी अधिकारी स्थानिय समाजसेवी राम प्रसाद सडौला का साथै स्थानिय बुद्धिजिवी समाजसेवीहरुको सहभागिता रहेको थियो । यसैविच सल्यानकोट प्राथमिक विद्यालय देखि त्रिपुरासुन्दरी माईको मन्दिरसम्मको चार किलोमिटर बाटो समाजसेवी कृष्ण सिम्खडा ले ८० हजार रुपैयाँ आर्थिक सहयोग उपलब्ध गराउनु भएको छ ।